ENDNENZ3&ˆÿÿÿÿ!RPublication Type `Journal`Accession NumberAbstractAbstract LanguageAccession NumberAuthorClassification CategoriesConference InformationConference NoteCorrespondence Address'CountryDigital Object Identifier+DomainE-Mail Address'Form/Content TypeForm/Content Type Code German Classification CategoriesGerman Free DescriptorsGerman Subject Headings Institution'ISSNISSN Electronic Journal Name Journal URL Key Concepts Key PhraseLanguage2Link to ParentLocation Media TypeNumber of ReferencesOriginal TitlePopulation GroupPopulation LocationPublication TypePublication Year Publisher URLSequence NumberSource. ()  , . http://Source. () , . http://Source. ()  , .Source. () , .Source. Vol  (),  Source. Vol  (), Source). Vol ()  20, . , http://Source. Vol ()  20, . Source&. Vol () 20, . , http://Source. Vol () 20, . Source). Vol ()  19, . , http://Source. Vol ()  19, . Source&. Vol () 19, . , http://Source. Vol () 19, . Source&. Vol. (), , : . 20, .Source&. 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(), , .Source. , , .Special FeatureSubject HeadingsTitle Update CodeYear of PublicationAbstractAccession Number: .Accession NumberAuthorClassification CodeCorporate AuthorsDigital Object Identifier+DomainE-Mail Address'Form/Content TypeForm/Content Type Code German Classification CategoriesGerman Free DescriptorsGerman Subject Headings Institution'Intended AudienceISBNLanguage2Link to Parent Media TypePopulation GroupPopulation Location Key ConceptsKey Phrase IdentifiersPublication TypePublication YearSequence NumberSource : ().  S. Source : ().  S.Source ().  S. Source ().  S.Source Special FeatureSubject HeadingsTable of ContentsTitle. ( ed.). Title[]Title[]Title Update CodeYear of PublicationPublication Type`Dissertation`Accession NumberAbstractAbstract LanguageAccession NumberAuthorClassification CategoriesConference InformationConference NoteCorrespondence Address'CountryDigital Object Identifier+Doctoral SupervisorDomainE-Mail Address'Form/Content TypeForm/Content Type Code German Classification CategoriesGerman Free DescriptorsGerman Subject Headings Institution ISBN Key Concepts Key PhraseLanguage2Link to ParentLocation Media TypeNumber of ReferencesOriginal TitlePopulation GroupPopulation LocationPublication Type ()Publication Year Publisher URLSequence NumberSourceSpecial FeatureSubject HeadingsTitle Update CodeYear of PublicationPublication Type `Chapter`AbstractAccession Number: .Accession NumberAuthorE-Mail Address' Chapter Title[] Chapter Title[] Chapter TitleClassification CodeCorporate AuthorsDigital Object Identifier+DomainForm/Content TypeForm/Content Type Code German Classification CategoriesGerman Free DescriptorsGerman Subject Headings Institution'Intended AudienceISBN Key ConceptsKey Phrase IdentifiersLanguage2Link to Parent Media TypePopulation GroupPopulation LocationPublication TypePublication YearSequence NumberSourceIn: Special FeatureSubject HeadingsTable of ContentsTitle. ( ed.). Title[]Title[]Title Update CodeYear of Publication Publication Type `Edited Book` Abstract  Accession Number : . Accession Number  Author  Classification Code  Corporate Authors  Digital Object Identifier + Domain  E-Mail Address ' Form/Content Type  Form/Content Type Code  German Classification Categories  German Free Descriptors  German Subject Headings  Institution ' Intended Audience  ISBN  Language 2 Link to Parent  Media Type  Population Group  Population Location  Key Concepts  Key Phrase Identifiers  Publication Type  Publication Year  Sequence Number  Source  : ().  S.  Source  : ().  S. Source  ().  S.  Source  ().  S. Source  Special Feature  Subject Headings  Table of Contents  Title . ( ed.). Title [] Title [] Title  Update Code  Year of Publication  Publication Type `Report` Accession Number : . Accession Number  Abstract  Accession Number : . Accession Number  Author  Classification Code  Corporate Authors  Digital Object Identifier + Domain  E-Mail Address ' Form/Content Type  Form/Content Type Code  German Classification Categories  German Free Descriptors  German Subject Headings  Institution  , . Institution  Intended Audience  ISBN  Language 2 Link to Parent  Media Type  Population Group  Population Location  Key Concepts  Key Phrase Identifiers  Publication Type  Publication Year  Sequence Number  Source . Rpt No. , , . Source  Special Feature  Subject Headings  Table of Contents  Title [] Title [] Title  Update Code  Year of Publication ”DDH DH DDDHDHS DHDDDDSSH H, US D&, US: Univ Microfilms International . L* D: , Print Print H. 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